Friday, March 11, 2011

How to save a baby up a burning building

What would you do if you're trapped in the 3rd floor(40 ft) of a burning building carrying an 8-month old baby with just an open window as an exit?

a. toss the baby out side the window and hope for the best;
b. wait for superman to help an rescue you;
c. let the baby crawl through the fire and save you self;
d. none of the above.

On real situation, this could be really though, but it did happened somewhere in Germany. And the answer is letter A. When running out of option, the mind would run wild and crazy, the man (uncle) who is carrying the baby kissed the it one more time and hurled to the policeman at the ground with arm outstreched  holding his jacket like a net to catch the less than a year old infant.

Miraculuosly the baby survived unharmed.

And so is the man tossing the baby, together with her daughter. Unfortunately the baby's bother and two more cousins did not survived the fire. The parents of the baby was safe after they were hospitalized from burns.

Here's the actual scene:

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